Wednesday, October 07, 2009

NOW blasts Letterman...

...or so it says here at CNN

That's a big change from their supportive and oh-so-understanding position when it came to Bill Clinton.

Remember? Clinton's affair, according to NOW's president at the time, was "such a distraction from the key issues that are facing us, questions of public policy and foreign policy" and "On balance, women have had an ally in the White House..."

And this from Ireland, regarding the Clinton affair, on Lehrer:
"We did speak up about Lewinsky, and, in particular, if we were looking at who she needed defense against it, it was Ken Starr and the FBI....She, nor anyone else, has ever alleged that President Clinton coerced her to do anything. And she and President Clinton have both denied that there was a relationship." belong to NOW? How cute.

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