Central Washington players help a Western Oregon rival, hurt rounding the bases, to touch 'em all.I think I have something in my eye...
Central Washington players help a Western Oregon rival, hurt rounding the bases, to touch 'em all.I think I have something in my eye...
Re: Jonathan Kay asks: Now that CUPW is boycotting Israel, will Canada Post deliver mail to the Israeli embassy? April 28.The curious part:
[small portion edited]...Unlike the Israeli government’s treatment of Palestinian mail, CUPW has no plans to block mail to and from Israel as of yet. [editing and emphasis mine]
Abandonment of mailwould seem to indicate that doing so would be a direct violation of the Act.
49. Every person commits an offence who unlawfully and knowingly abandons, misdirects, obstructs, delays or detains the progress of any mail or mail conveyance.
Delay of mail
50. (1) Every person commits an offence who, without reasonable cause, refuses to permit or delays permitting any mail or mail conveyance to pass on or use any road, ferry or other route or mode of transport access to which is under his control.
"If they don't want to reach an agreement with us, I'll sign an expropriation decree. I'll take immediate control."
"I don't want somebody to save essentially 25 bucks -- that's what the savings would yield for the average driver -- and now they're potentially driving over an unsafe bridge," he said.It's not *his* 25 bucks in the first place. He's the same old same old when it comes to understanding that, too.
I've never really understood why prostitution is illegal. If people want to pay to have sex, then who are we to stop them? Legalize it...Now, I'm sure feige107 means well, but, yup, he follows immediately with the ever-so-common leap of stupidity:
...and tax the transactions.We all see it everyday whenever the subject of so-called "legalising" some so-called sin or other comes up: "legalize it, tax it".
A blind homeowner used the wrestling skills he learned more than 30 years ago to overpower an intruder and hold the man at knifepoint until police arrived this morning.Fun read.
“I just kind of panicked and just kind of went crazy after that,” Allan Kieta said. “I’ve wrestled all my life. My dad’s a Marine; he taught me some stuff. You’re thinking in your head all this survival stuff.”
Ian Gilmore, president of the Royal College of Physicians, said: 'Third-party damage from alcohol is much greater – in terms of violence and the damage to unborn children, the first sexual experience and the percentage of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.'Is it painfully obvious to you yet that these bozos started with cigarettes knowing that what they really wanted wouldn't fly until the principles had been put in place by going after smokers?
I view it as a public relations stunt that stigmatizes law-abiding firearms purchasers exercising their freedom under the Constitution," said NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre.Actually, I doubt that's what it is. A person's "freedom under the Costitution" doesn't include "the right to purchase arms under personally-desired conditions from any seller".
What about the issue of nuclear waste?Patrick Moore:
As is now planned, I'd establish a recycling industry for nuclear fuel, which reduces the amount of waste to less than 10 percent of what it would be without recycling.
How many Americans know that 50 percent of the nuclear energy being produced in the U.S. is now coming from dismantled Russian nuclear warheads?
The environmental movement is going on about how terrible it will be if someone does something destructive with these materials. Well, actually the opposite is occurring: all over the world, people are using former nuclear-weapons material for peaceful purposes—swords into plowshares. This constant propaganda about the cost of nuclear energy—that's just activists looking for the right buttons to push, and one of the key buttons to push is to make consumers afraid that their electricity prices will go up if nuclear energy is built. In fact, it's natural gas that is causing [energy] prices to go up. [emphasis mine--RG]
The problem, Blair says, is the delay between arrest and trial. He said it can take up to three years to secure a conviction, in which time the accused could commit more crimes.But didn't I read somewhere about a presumption of innocence?
The couple talked about the decision for him to return to Mexico in the office of their immigration attorney, Mira Mdivani, shortly before Marquez left last month.Sure, deport people right back home if they cause a problem, and be quick about it. But this guy didn't "cause a problem".
"You don't feel safe in the streets. You don't feel safe anywhere because of a lot of things going on right now," he said. "The police pull you over for no reason."
"I want to be free, to go wherever I want to go and not be scared. In the long run, it will be worth it. We can have a better life and we won't be scared anymore," Marquez said.
When he was in the United States, he worked at construction jobs, doing everything from picking up trash to cleaning sewers and provided about two-thirds of the household income.
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
2. In 1959, when Francois Mitterrand was already a famous politician, he narrowly escaped an assassination attempt outside the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris. His car was riddled with bullets but he leapt to safety.That one is true. Guess about the other nine.
When the gunman and the organiser of the attempt were arrested they were able to prove that the whole thing was a fake organised by Mitterrand to win favourable headlines and implicate General de Gaulle. Charges against the "assassins" were dropped. Mitterrand was later elected President of France.
Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. Hillary got a job working on the investigation at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall, who was also Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick affair. When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation – one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career.H/T Two-Four.